Research Logs for ETEAMS Science Experiences – 2014

Blue Crab Adventures

by Lisa Coates

These are some pictures taken from work with Blue Crabs

Blue Crab and Shrimp Adventure

by Kaitlyn Schroeder Spain, Heidi, Daniel, Adriane, and me (Isabel Garza)

Blue Crab Dissections

by Erin Erben

Blue Crab Ecology – Mesocosm Experiment

by Hannah Torres, Katie Spain, Chelsey Luthi, Shelby Keeler

Blue Crab Practice Dissection

by Miriam Fuentes

Blue Crab Relay Race Training

by Erin Erben, Kaitlyn Schroeder

Blue Crabs

by Erica Gamez

Chemical Oceanography

by Dr. Xinping Hu, his assistant Cherry, Researcher Hingie, Researcher Yao, and Researcher Melissa

Chemical Oceanography (2)

by Dr. Hu, Assistant Cherry, Researchers: Melissa, Hingie and Yao

Collecting Crabs

by Miriam Fuentes

Collecting crabs

by Crystal J. Nieto

Core Sample

by Shelby Keeler

Crab Collecting

by Charlcie Stinnett

Crabbing Divas

by Adriane Taylor, Isabel Garza, Kaitlyn Schroeder-Spain, Heidi & Daniel

Day 1: Chemical Oceangraphy

by Hannah Bailey

Day 2 Chemical Oceangraphy

by Hannah Bailey

Day in the lab!

by Shrimp Wranglers

Shrimps jump to their death onto the floor.

Extracting DNA for testing

by Tara, John, and Alyse

Feeding crabs

by Crystal J. Nieto

Feeding Time

by Charlcie Stinnett

Glassware Cleaning

by Hannah Torres, Katie Spain

ImageJ-Tedious Research but Cool Tool to Teach Math and Science!

by Cheryl V. for Avery's research project

Indian Point Excursion

by Ashley Valdez

Just the right shrimp

by Charlotte Hillery

Relay Race Prep

by Deven Smith and others

Running DNA in a Gel

by Tara and John

Shrimpin’ Ain’t Easy

by Harry Samuels, Lisa, Charlcie, Kaitlyn

Snappy Crabs

by Charlotte Hillery

The Amazing Sea Hares

by Kevin (guide),Coleman,Adriane, Isabel Garza (me) ,and two others

Tidal Flat Core Samples

by Coleman Frederick, Veronica Campbell, Ben Smith, Lisa Benavedez

Taking Care of Business.

Tidal Flat Research Coleman Frederick

by Coleman Frederick, Veronica Campbell, Ben Smith, Lisa Benavedez

Tidal Flats

by Fawnda Seward-everyone


Tidal Flats Research in Oso Bay (cg)

by Tidal Flats Research students: Ben and Veronica ETEAMS Participants: Charles, Adam and Shelby