Mentor Meeting 9-26-2016
Mentor Meeting Agenda 9-26-2016
I. Gloria Ladson-Billings and the Education Debt
Why does Ladson-Billings call it an Education Debt rather than an Achievement Gap?
What is the impact of designating students ‘at-risk’?
How does what she is talking about relate to your experience as a teacher?
The Pedagogy of Poverty vs. Good Teaching
II. Logistics
RTOP: feedback?
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics- April 5th-8th, 2017
Material needs
III. Sharing
One thing I am doing new this year that’s really working..
One thing I would like some feedback on..
An idea that I want to try…
A goal this year is…
Mentor Meeting 10-25-2016
I. Math and Dance
Math and Dance Powerpoint
How can dance help us learn math content more deeply?
How can dance help us develop mathematical practices?
How can dance help us experience more mathematical success?
II. Job Search
Preparing a resume
Applying for jobs
III. Logistics
ERC Visit
Next meeting potluck
IV. Sharing
Mentor Meeting 12-05-2016
Holiday Activities Sharing
Gingerbread House Coordinate Grid Activity
Twelve Days of Christmas Activity Sheet
Merry Christmas Math Problems
No Bake Holly Wreaths Recipe
No Bake Holly Wreaths Activity