Meeting the Neurology Scientists

Coming in the next immediate day helped to not forget some of the common lab procedures and technical words I needed to learn fast to keep up with everything around me The scientific words that I am coming across are not hard to stick to my memory once I create a link with them, Some type of background knowledge is what helps the most. I am also a visual leaner so once I found this diagram of the Sea Hare I kept it in my phone

Sea hare labeled

Sea hare labeled

for a quick reference.   The red dots on the picture indicate the ten spots we use to test each hare to represent fear. It is described as having someone tap on your shoulder ten times asking for the same thing, and then finally you just cant help it but want to get away which is what makes the Hare ink.   This was all a part of me helping the students in their research studies. They had a control and a variable group of Hares they needed to test, some were injected with a serum in hopes to alter their behavior slightly while others were injected with plain Saltwater solution as the controlled group, and then they were both tested.

Injecting serum

Injecting serum

This serum ended up leaking out of the Sea Hare slightly just like an immunization shot sometimes leaks out on us.  Either way the process of these tests required us to wait 30 minutes after the shot so that the Hares may calm down after that traumatic shot.

watching cells being impaled

watching cells being impaled

While we waiting for the Sea Hares to pass their 30 minute break we walked to the other side of the lab and watched another research student impale a group of cells he dissected from a Sea Hare. He showed us where he would insert his reading needles and the once he got both his input and output needles inserted

Sea Hare Ink after shock was conducted.

Sea Hare Ink after shock was conducted.

he showed us how to read the wave lengths. very similar to viewing a heartbeat on a heart monitor. Shortly after it was time to test the Sea Hares in a separate room.  straw were drawn to see which Hares were getting which test and off we went! Another hour had to past after testing in order to complete the feeding test. The Extract is being drained through  a filter for use during the feeding experiment with each Sea Hare.

Who We Are


What We Did

Sea Hare in its Seaweed Margarita-ville

Sea Hare in its Seaweed Margarita-ville

What We Learned

Seaweed Extract

Seaweed Extract

Questions We Have

How is this work going to connect with treating PTSD in humans?

Connections to Teaching

The importance of teaching the vocabulary involved in an investigation.