Measurement Masters

STEM Thursday Schanen Elementary, February 25th, 2016

Presenters:   Ms. Chandler, Ms. Flanigan, Ms. DelaGarza

Measurement Masters Lesson Plan


  • What units do use to measure volume or capacity?


Time for Stations!

Measurement Stations Activity Sheet

  • Gallon Man and Capacitygallon man

  • Measuring Heightmeasuring height

  • Time to Wake Upalarm clock

  • Measuring Massgraham stackers

gallon man



  • What units do we use to measure mass?

  • What units do we use to measure time?

  • What units do we use to measure length?

  • What measurement would we use to measure the mass of a feather? the mass of a bowling ball?

  • What measurement would we use to measure the amount of water in a bathtub?


How can we represent measurement relationships in a table?

Measurement Tables


 exit slips

3-2-1 Exit Slip