April 2015 Common Planning

Coin Flipping

I. Welcome

A. Kim Moore-ETEAMS role, Program Manager
B. Tonya Jeffery-  ETEAMS role, Co-Pi

Common Planning April 2015

II. Winning the Lottery

III. Exploring Coin Flipping

Exploring Coin Flipping Activity Sheet

  • What is the probability of getting 2 heads in a row?

  • What is the probability of getting 3 heads in a row?

  • What is the probability of getting 4 heads in a row?

  • What is the probability of getting 7 heads or 7 tails in a row in 100 coin tosses?


IV. Pascal’s Triangle and Coin Flipping

  • How can you find the probability of landing on heads and tails in Pascal’s triangle?

  • What other patterns can you find in Pascal’s triangle?

V. Housekeeping

Lottery Cartoon