A Closer Look at Cells

STEM Thursday, Tom Browne Middle, April 30th, 2015

Presenters:  Ms. Bradshaw, Dr. Jeffery, Mr. Melchor, Ms. Nieto, Ms. Stroman

Six Kingdoms

A Closer Look at Cells Lesson Plan


What are the Six Kingdoms of Life?

  • How are Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells similar?

  • How are Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells different?

Cell Venn Diagram


cell cartoon

Cell Survey Lab Student Worksheet

Let’s look at cells a little more closely…


Pro and Eu Cells

  • Which cells had a nucleus?

  • Which cells did not have a nucleus?

  • What examples did we see of Prokaryotic cells?

  • What examples did we see of Eukaryotic cells?

  • How could we decide what kingdom each cell belonged to?


Time for a Card Sort!

Card Sort Board

Kingdoms Card Sort


 Exit Slip
